Venevision Sells Eva Luna into China

CANNES: Venevision International has struck a deal with CCTV in China for the telenovela Eva Luna, which will air on the drama channel CCTV-8 with a bespoke version for the Asian market.


Starring Blanca Soto and Guy Ecker, the novela is slated to launch in China in the second quarter of 2013. The series will be dubbed into Chinese. Eva Luna has been tailored for the Asian market, adapted and edited into 26 one-hour episodes.
“Through the years, we have continued to build on the relationship with CCTV established by our chairman Gustavo A. Cisneros some five years ago,” said Manuel Perez, the VP and CFO of Venevision International. “This is more than a simple business transaction for television programming, our dealings with CCTV is in essence a cultural exchange since our respective programming is a reflection of our distinctive race and heritage, in this particular case we will be exposing China’s television audiences to the passion of being Latino, a characteristic well represented in a telenovela like Eva Luna.”