Venevision Productions Working on New Teleseries with Cristina Palacio

MIAMI: Venevision Productions is ready to start production on the new teleseries Ruta 35, La Válvula de Escape, which Cristina Palacio will executive produce.

Earlier this month, Venevision Productions announced an exclusive alliance with Palacio. The first teleseries to come from the partnership is now set for production in Miami. Ruta 35, La Válvula de Escape is narrated by Dylan Wilkins, a veteran agent for Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE). It looks at the lives of informants working with the various federal agencies of the U.S. judicial system.

“We will have three production units operating simultaneously to develop this magnificent series, which will have a production ratio of exteriors vs. studio of 80/20, meaning almost everything happens on location,” stated Juan Carlos Sosa, the executive VP of operations at Venevision Studios.

Palacio commented: “The visual approach consists of a lot of hand-held cameras to simulate the way these informants would record events using their mobile phones. Consequently, that look maintains the aesthetic of what can be achieved today, capturing shots with various techniques and characteristics.”