MIAMI: A zany television channel led by a greedy and shady man is the setting for Wacky TV (TV Biruta), a 4K animated series on offer from Band Content Distribution at NATPE.
The company is also promoting new episodes of Police 24H, a reality show that follows Brazilian cops as they face dangerous situations, and The Amazing Professor Ambrosius’ Mansion, an animated children’s program—now available in Spanish—that combines educational entertainment and comedy.
“Companies are interested in innovation more than ever,” and Band is offering the market content that fits in line with this, says Elisa Ayub, director of international content. “We are bringing Brazilian productions with great diversity and style. That’s what makes us a television company ready to deal [with] different kinds of requests.”
“Our focus is to attract new partnerships with various platforms as well as to strengthen our relationships with existing customers,” Ayub says.