TV Latina Presents Canitec Preview Site

NEW YORK: The Spanish-language Canitec multimedia preview site features interviews with Turner’s Gerhard Zeiler, VIMN The America’s Sofía Ioannou and Televisa Networks’ Bruce Boren, as well as an analysis of the Mexican TV market and a video report with executives from leading channels in Latin America. To see it, visit

The special video report features Henry Martinez of Discovery Networks Latin America/U.S. Hispanic and Canada; Gustavo Grossman of HBO Networks Latin America; and Gonzalo Fiure of FOX International Channels Latin America. The site includes a feature on the challenges in the Mexican TV market, looking at a new law that aims to improve telecommunications in the country. You can read Q&As with Zeiler, Boren and Ioannou, whose interview is also available to listen to.

Other resources found within the site include links to the TV Latina Screening Rooms for Canitec and to the digital editions of the Canitec issue of TV Latina, the TV Latina Channels Guide and Distributors Guide. There is also a listing of hotels and restaurants near the Centro Banamex. The preview includes a printable list of companies that will be present at Canitec as well.

Be sure to take a look before heading off to Mexico City. Visit the site here.