DISCOP Dubai Spotlight: TV Azteca International


As TV Azteca International celebrates its 25th anniversary, the company is touting Nothing Personal, a police thriller featuring a love story mixed with themes of vengeance and politics.

There is also Bad Maids, which follows a protagonist who discovers criminal ties within an employment agency, as well as the mystery series Missing Bride.

“We’re also showcasing premium series with high production values like Two Lakes, a terror and suspense thriller, and El César, about the life and times of the great boxer Julio César Chávez,” says Ramón Salomón, the director of operations. He adds that the company is offering a library of traditional telenovelas dubbed in Arabic, including Infamia and Emperatriz.

Among the other highlights is María Magdalena, a 60-episode religious story that will be available in the fourth quarter of 2018.

“These shows have given us a prominent place in Mexico and the world as a company that’s willing to take risks and bet on new and different content,” says Salomón.