The Asia Video Summit will take place from November 1 and 2 with physical events in both Hong Kong and Singapore and full digital access to all the sessions.
Louis Boswell on Asia Video Summit Highlights
November 4, 2020
This year’s Asia Video Summit will be largely virtual, with two small physical events planned in Hong Kong and Singapore, exploring the streaming and pay-TV landscapes, advertising and gender diversity in the industry, Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA) CEO Louis Boswell tells World Screen Newsflash.
100-Plus Speakers Set for Asia Video Summit
October 23, 2019
The Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA) is set to host the Asia Video Summit in Singapore from November 4 to 6 with 100-plus speakers weighing in on business models, advertising, news and media industry regulations.
Event Preview: Asia Video Summit
September 26, 2019
Louis Boswell, the CEO of the Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA), offers up a look at the highlights for the Asia Video Summit (AVS), which is relocating to Singapore for this year's edition.
Key Themes, Speakers Announced for Asia Video Summit
October 16, 2018
The Asia Video Summit, set for October 29 to November 1 in Hong Kong, will explore the state of the video industry in the region with a speaker lineup that includes Astro CEO Henry Tan, HBO Asia CEO Jonathan Spink and BBC Studios' executive VP for Asia, David Weiland.
Event Preview: Asia Video Summit
September 13, 2018
Louis Boswell, the CEO of the Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA), discusses the organization’s revamped mission and its rebranded flagship event in Hong Kong.
CASBAA Rebrands Annual Convention
July 10, 2018
CASBAA has rebranded its flagship annual event as the Asia Video Summit and is moving the convention back to Hong Kong this October 29 to November 1.