ZEASN Hires for Content Acquisition


ZEASN has named former Philips TV executive Lucas Huang as VP of content acquisition.

Huang will oversee the content acquisition arm of whaleOS, ZEASN’s smart & simple TV operating system. He will work side by side with Teresa Lopez, who will continue to oversee the acquisition of FAST channels for ZEASN’s owned and operated streaming service rlaxx TV.

Prior to joining ZEASN, Huang spent more than eight years at TP Vision leading the content acquisition for Philips Smart TVs. He spent most of his career in consumer electronics, including various roles at companies like HTC and BenQ. Huang will be in the newly opened ZEASN Amsterdam office.

Jack Gao, chairman of ZEASN, said: “A great TV OS delivers an impeccable user experience, with lots of great entertainment and features that make it easier to discover your next binge-worthy TV show or movie. We already have a great app selection, but by bringing on Lucas, we envision accelerating the onboarding of great and relevant apps on whaleOS.”

Huang commented: “I am thrilled to bring my experience in developing and nurturing great relationships with content partners to ZEASN. We are no strangers, as I already worked with a large portion of the team during my tenure at TP Vision. These are exciting times in the streaming TV space, and I think I can contribute a lot to the success of whaleOS internationally.”