Spotlight: Studio 100 Media


Each episode of SeaBelievers, represented by Studio 100 Media, leads kids on a new eco-adventure.

Its genre of ecotainment “combines the benefit of edutainment for children, being informative and realistic about real-life issues affecting our ocean, and encouraging kids to make a difference—because they can!” says Dorian Bühr, head of global distribution at Studio 100 Media. The series presents this all in “a fun and entertaining way, as the show emanates as a stunning and engaging musical eco-adventure with original tunes to sing and dance along to.”

Also a highlight, 100% Wolf—Legend of the Moonstone follows Freddy Lupin, heir to a proud family line of werewolves, who accidentally turns himself into a poodle and is now making his way through life at the mysterious Howlington Academy. “100% Wolf—Legend of the Moonstone is special because of its hilarious and dramatic concept about a boy trying to find his way in a challenging world, one in which he is an outsider: he is a pink poodle in a world of werewolves,” Bühr explains. “This guarantees a lot of laugh-out-loud humor, not leaving out the difficulties our hero has. That makes 100% Wolf—Legend of the Moonstone a unique action-adventure best-friend comedy with a very distinctive main character and a strong message with high social relevance: heroes come in many forms.”

There are 26 new episodes of Heidi, described by Bühr as a “real worldwide evergreen.”

FriendZSpace, meanwhile, centers on three best friends who may seem like regular human kids, but behind their ordinary facades, they are risk-taking deep-space friend-makers. “FriendZSpace is all about kids and kid culture—alien and human,” says Bühr.