Haim Saban, Anne Sweeney Slated for APOS 2014

SINGAPORE/BALI: The Asia Pacific Operators Summit taking place in Bali, Indonesia, from April 22 to 24 will feature keynote addresses by Saban Capital Group’s Haim Saban, Disney’s Anne Sweeney, China Media Capital’s Rui-Gang Li and The Chernin Group’s Peter Chernin.

Also set to participate in the event, focused on the broadcast, pay-TV and broadband industries across Asia Pacific, are FOX International Channels’ Zubin Gandevia, Turner Broadcasting’s Ricky Ow, Celestial Tiger’s Todd Miller, Scripps Networks’ Jim Samples, PCCW’s Janice Lee and MNC Group’s Hary Tanoesoedibjo, among many others.

Themes that will be addressed at the conference include growth strategies for established pay-TV brands, emerging digital opportunities, sports rights, advertising, next-generation English-language content and localization. Media Partners Asia, the organizer of APOS, will also present its outlook for video and data distribution in Asia, and there will be targeted sessions on China, India and Southeast Asia.