Adobe: TV Everywhere Usage Continues to Climb

NEW YORK: According to Adobe Digital Index’s latest Digital Video Benchmark report, the number of TV Everywhere users increased 22 percent in Q4 2015, particularly due to special programming such as the fall TV premieres and sports-related content.

Authenticated video viewing continued to steadily grow throughout 2015, with most months showing increases in video viewing over the previous month. The only noticeable decline has occurred from November to December in both 2014 and 2015, indicating viewers may be busy with family or other holiday gatherings.

For the first time, broadcast and cable experienced the highest viewing growth compared to the other genres, due to seasonal TV programming events. There was 111 percent growth year-on-year for broadcast and cable. Movies saw an 89-percent spike, sports 80 percent and teens and toons 61 percent.

The report also points to the fact that authentications continued to shift to TV-connected devices throughout 2015, moving from iOS to an actual TV-connected device. These devices saw 31 percent growth year-on-year in usage.