Wednesday, February 19, 2025



April 16, 2012

  This article originally appeared in the MIPTV 2010 issue of TV Europe.   With its massive budgets, humongous domestic TV market and its talent for telling good stories, Hollywood has controlled the business of event-TV dramas, in English, of course, watched everywhere else in the world. A new trend, …

The Super Indies

April 30, 2012

  This feature originally appeared in the MIPTV 2012 issue of TV Europe.   Consolidation is the way of the media sector just as in any other business. Indeed, new technologies aside, perhaps the most obvious trend in television since deregulation really took hold in the 1990s has been big …

Made in Spain

June 18, 2012

  This feature originally appeared in the MIPTV 2012 issue of TV Europe.   Arguably one of the most dynamic television markets in Europe, Spain has seen its share of alternating cycles of growth and consolidation in the last two decades. Now more than ever before, it is struggling to …

Red Hot!

June 25, 2012

This feature original appeared in the NATPE Budapest 2012 issue of TV Europe.   When it comes to the demand for TV formats, the Central and Eastern European region (CEE) is no longer the poor cousin coming to dine at the table of richer Western European relatives or other developed …

Turkish Delight

November 19, 2012

  This article originally appeared in the MIPCOM 2012 issue of TV Europe.   Turkish television is booming. Inside the country, broadcasters are enjoying significant advertising growth, while outside, the appetite for Turkish-made drama seems to be getting bigger. With a new regulatory regime coming into effect, foreign players might …


May 10, 2013

Great changes are afoot in the German media market, in the wake of rapid technological developments and a new system for collecting license fees.   This article originally appeared in the MIPTV 2013 issue of TV Europe.   Is the new system for collecting public broadcaster license fees at odds …

Snapshot of CEE

June 27, 2013

Central Europe has caught up to Western Europe in many ways-and that’s not entirely good news for the television business, as the eurozone crisis has dragged down economic growth, hitting the advertising market.   ZenithOptimedia’s research shows the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland performing more like France, Germany or the …

Jochen Starke

August 20, 2013

This interview originally appeared in the MIPCOM 2013 issue of TV Europe. RTL II aptly sums up its programming offering with the tagline, “It’s fun”. For 20 years the German station has been catering to the needs of young viewers, providing them with creative, new and unexpected shows and formats. …


Jan Mojto

August 22, 2013

This interview originally appeared in the MIPCOM 2013 issue of World Screen. One of the first television executives to set up international co-productions, Jan Mojto, the managing director of Beta Film, has more than 20 years’ experience bringing together partners and bridging cultures, viewers’ tastes and broadcasters’ needs. In the …

Kevin Lygo

August 29, 2013

This interview originally appeared in the MIPCOM 2013 issue of TV Europe. In 2012, ITV Studios’ Come Dine with Me accounted for more than 5,000 broadcast hours around the world, making it the year’s most-screened format. Since originating on Channel 4, the dinner-party format has been adapted in 30-plus markets, …