MIPCOM Spotlight: Mediaset Distribution


Mediaset Distribution is launching the crime drama Rosy Abate.

“The story is focused on a feminine character, Rosy, who broke up her criminal past by assuming a new identity but is forced to go back to her previous life in order to rescue her kidnapped son,” explains Manuela Caputi, the company’s head of sales.

Also in the way of scripted fare, there is Tuscan Passion and the crime series City Cops. The scripts for these shows are offered by the company, which also has in its catalog the reality adventure series Donnavventura. In the reality show, a group of young and fearless women are selected to form a team with one mission: to report from the most unexplored corners of the world. Caputi says that series is “a real tribute to the ambitions and curiosity of a young female team ready to discover the world and land a dream job.”

“At MIPCOM, our content is very focused on the strength of women,” Caputi says.