Sky Cinema Launches New Channel for Sci-Fi Movie Fans

Sky Cinema is hosting a month-long pop-up channel dedicated to science-fiction movies.

The “Sky-Fi” channel is set to launch on September 9 and will be available for one month. The channel, which will also be available On Demand and on NOW TV, boasts the entire Star Wars series, featuring The Force Awakens and 2016’s Rogue One, alongside all ten original Star Trek movies, Steven Spielberg classics such as Close Encounters of The Third Kind and Minority Report, plus James Cameron’s The Terminator and the ’80s hit Back to the Future. Ahead of the theatrical release of Blade Runner 2049, the channel will also feature the theatrical version of Ridley Scott’s iconic Blade Runner, as well as a special program looking ahead to the new film.

Sky Cinema Group Director Ian Lewis commented: “Sky Cinema Sky-Fi will bring together all that’s great about the genre, from iconic franchises such as Star Wars and Star Trek, to classics such as Blade Runner and Close Encounters. It is another innovative offering for our customers bringing the sci-fi genre to life, re-affirming our position as the U.K. and Ireland’s leading in-home movies service.”