Sky Deutschland & Deutsche Telekom Enter IPTV Deal

UNTERFÖHRING: The complete offering of Sky Deutschland, including Bundesliga coverage, is being made available through Deutsche Telekom for its Entertainment IPTV customers.

Starting in mid-2013, in addition to live Bundesliga coverage, Entertainment customers will gain access to the range of Sky’s content, including UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, DFB-Pokal, Golf and Tennis majors. The platform will feature Sky Welt, Sky Fußball Bundesliga, Sky Sport and Sky Film, as well as the extensive Sky HD lineup. The agreement runs through mid-2017 and also encompasses a number of joint marketing activities.

"Our cooperation is good news for everyone whose heart beats a little faster for football," said Michael Hagspihl, the managing director of marketing at Telekom Deutschland. "As Sky’s partner we can offer our Entertain IPTV customers the most extensive football program in Germany, and everything will be available in HD."

Brian Sullivan, the CEO of Sky Deutschland, added: "This partnership is great news for football and entertainment fans all across Germany. The agreement ensures those already watching the Bundesliga on the Telekom Entertain platform can continue to do so uninterrupted, and will also open up the full range of Sky’s award-winning sport coverage, including all live matches of the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and the DFB-Pokal. In addition, with the introduction of the complete Sky offering Entertain customers will be able to experience Sky’s market leading Sky Film, Sky Welt and Sky HD offerings for the first time. Entry into Sky’s entertainment world will be easier and more convenient than ever before."