Canada-Mexico Co-Development Incentive Open for Applications

The Canada Media Fund (CMF) and the Mexican Film Institute (Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía – IMCINE) have opened the call for entries for their co-development incentive designed to encourage TV projects between Canadian and Mexican producers.

The incentive was first introduced at Los Cabos International Film Festival in November. Eligible projects are TV series in the drama or children’s and youth genres, with preference being given to the latter. Projects can be either animated or live action and must comply with the pre-established rules of the Canada-Mexico treaty, which was signed April 8, 1991.

The total amount of funding available through the incentive is C$130,000 or MXN$1,898,000 ($101,000), with each organization contributing half of the funds. The total maximum contribution for each project funded through the incentive is C$25,000 or MXN$379,000 ($20,000).