Canada-Ireland Co-Development Incentive Returns for Third Year

The Canada Media Fund (CMF) and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) have reopened the Canada-Ireland Co-Development Incentive for Audiovisual Projects, now in its third consecutive year.

Following a successful first round of funding in 2016, both organizations partnered for an additional three years from 2017 to 2019. The initiative funds co-development projects between producers in Canada and Ireland. The total amount of funding available through the incentive for the second year of the three-year program will be C$200,000 ($151,000). The total maximum contribution for each project funded through the incentive will be C$50,000 ($38,000).

The incentive seeks to fund TV projects and digital media extensions of such TV projects, which fulfill both the guidelines of the CMF and the objectives and themes of BAI’s Sound and Vision Scheme. Projects will be evaluated and chosen by a selection committee composed of representatives from both funding organizations.