Over two virtual ceremonies, the winners have been announced for this year’s Asian Academy Creative Awards, with Korea’s Crash Landing on You on top in the drama category, while India’s Lamput was crowned as best children’s series and Queen as best original for a streaming platform.
In addition to wins for Cartoon Network’s Lamput and MX Player’s Queen, India also triumphed in the best current affairs category with Discovery’s Man Woman and #MeToo, best infotainment with Lockdown: India Fights Coronavirus, best music/dance program with Times of Music and best non-scripted entertainment with Man vs Wild with Bear Grylls and Prime Minister Modi.
Wins for Japan included Netflix’s A Whisker Away as best animated program, best short-form for Kansai’s Three Trees, best sports for NHK’s KIZUNA: Ultimate Partnerships and best direction (fiction) for HBO’s Food Lore: Life in a Box.
Korea led in the drama and comedy categories with Crash Landing on You and Mr. Zoo, respectively, as well as best original screenplay for The Cursed.
Australian wins included the best documentary special and series categories, for The Australian Dream and Revelation, respectively, and best preschool for Bluey.
Malaysia’s The Garden of Evening Mists triumphed in the best feature film category.
Taiwan’s 76 Horror Bookstore—Tin Can of Fear was named best single movie/anthology episode.
In the performance categories, Arjo Atayde was named best actor for ABS-CBN’s Bagman, Miller Khan best supporting actor for Viu and Double Vision’s The Bridge, Yeo Yann Yann best actress for HBO’s Invisible Stories: LIAN and Lina Ng best supporting actress in Mediacorp’s Last Madame.
Viu’s version of Pretty Little Liars was celebrated as best adaptation of an existing format. The Thai version of Couple or Not picked up a win in the best general entertainment, game or quiz program category.