Festival FAST: Fuse Media’s Tania Campos


The second day of TV Latina’s Festival FAST continued with Tania Campos, VP of special projects at Fuse Media, who analyzed the rise of FAST in the U.S. and the challenges and opportunities for the company amidst a saturated content market.

In conversation with Rafael Blanco, associate editor of TV Latina, which you can view in full here, Campos emphasized the importance of Fuse Media’s content offerings, considering the nuances of bicultural Hispanic audiences in the U.S.: “Our programming reflects the bicultural Hispanic audience. Sixty-five percent of the Hispanic population in the U.S. was born in the country, and their preferred language is English, while 33 percent of the Hispanic population are immigrants and prefer not only Spanish as their means of communication but also as the language in which they consume content. It has always been very important for us to provide options for the Hispanic audience. The demographic group of English-speaking Latinos has grown significantly, so being able to offer channels that not only have cultural diversity but also capture those [nuances] of Latin culture is very important to us.”

Campos also addressed some of the main challenges they have faced in the market and how they have worked to overcome them, her perspective on the FAST segment in the U.S. over the next 12 to 18 months, and the impact that Fuse Media’s FAST channels have had in the country.

You can view the complete interview here.

To view all the interviews of TV Latina’s Festival FAST, please visit www.FestivalFAST.tv.