Mark Kaner on Herb Lazarus’ Legacy & Impact


Mark Kaner, who served as president of 20th Century Fox Television Distribution for 25 years, sent us the following tribute to his friend and mentor Herb Lazarus, who passed away last week.

I agree our industry needs to be reminded they have lost a guiding light, but it’s impossible for me to tell you what Herb taught me along the way. The lessons are too numerous.

It was more about how to live than how to work. He had such a beautiful perspective.

He spent his life thinking about his family, friends and colleagues and what he could do to help them navigate life.

He firmly believed you should love what you do, and if you did, you would lead a happy life while being successful in your chosen profession.

Virtually every week since I met him, I would get a call from Herb, who was just checking in to see how I was doing. No agenda other than being kind and thoughtful. Who does that? And it wasn’t just me; the list of people he regularly called all over the world is seemingly endless!

He taught me that relationships are the foundation of a good life and good business. He was always fair and honest. He was so smart and so funny. He was curious, which led to innovation.

He was the embodiment of the philosophy that as we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way. He was a citizen of the world and a good human being.

We all wanted to be like Herb. I can give no greater compliment.

Ask anyone who knew him. I can give you a list of people. Everyone will say the same thing: Herb was our guiding light, and there are some people who bring a light so great to the world that even after they are gone, the light remains.

The words below are part of my eulogy at Herb’s funeral this past Friday:

I met Herb Lazarus in 1976. I was 23. Norman Horowitz was at Columbia Pictures Television and decided to hire me on a whim. Kelly in Norman’s office called and asked me to drop off a copy of my resume and slide it under the door at their office by 1 p.m. at the studio, as they would all be out to lunch. I hunted and pecked my way through a new copy of my CV and raced down to the Burbank Studios from Topanga Canyon. When I got there, much to my surprise, the door was open, so I poked my head around the corner and said, “Hi, you guys are not supposed to be here!” Kelly said, “Mr. Horowitz has waited to see you; he wants you to meet his partner, Mr. Lazarus.” I said, “OH SHIT!” and stepped into her office. I was wearing a pair of old overalls and a Mickey Mouse T-shirt. I walked into Norman’s office, and then Herb walked in, immaculately dressed in a Savile Row Suit and a Turnbull & Asser shirt and tie. He gave me the once over (twice!), put out his hand and said, “Nice to meet you, I THINK….”

Herb was a beautiful human being and so important to me. I never stopped learning from him, all while I was having the best time of my life. He changed my life for the better all the time. Who does that? I have never known someone so thoughtful and kind. I miss him already, but the innumerable things he taught me and all the wonderful times we had together will always be with me.