Video Interview: Zone·tv’s Jeff Weber

With its highly personalized user interface, Zone·tv is ensuring that viewers can seamlessly watch the content that is important to them. It also offers unique advertising and partnership opportunities by working with its partners on creative opportunities that drive value. In addition, Zone·tv can build a fully customized network of content for any audience using its deep library of programming assets, which counts thousands of movies and series, hundreds of FAST channels and upwards of 40,000 new short-form offerings.


“Zone·tv is committed to using all of the tools at our disposal to make the viewing experience fantastic and the partner experience rewarding,” says Jeff Weber, CEO. The company is dedicated to “using creative deals and the most advanced technology available to ensure that we provide a great experience for our customers while driving unsurpassed value for our partners.”

In this video interview, Weber talks to World Screen Weekly about how Zone·tv is tapping into the opportunities in the ad-supported space and continuing to seek out better and higher-quality content.