TBS Orders Animated Comedy from Olan Rogers

ATLANTA: TBS has given the green light to Final Space, an interstellar animated comedy series created by independent filmmaker, actor, comedian and entrepreneur Olan Rogers and produced by Conan O’Brien’s Conaco.

Final Space is slated for 2018. It follows the story of an astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying friend Mooncake. They have adventures as they set off on a quest to unlock the mystery of “Final Space,” the place where the entire universe ends. The show is part of TBS’s animation push and marks the tenth new comedy series to be added to the channel’s slate since January. It joins other animated comedies such as American Dad! and Tarantula.

Final Space is being produced by Conaco and New Form in association with Turner’s Studio T. Rogers and creative partner David Sacks will write the episodes. They will also serve as executive producers along with O’Brien, David Kissinger, Larry Sullivan and Jeff Ross of Conaco, and Kathleen Grace, Melissa Schneider and Matt Hoklotubbe of New Form. Rogers created a seven-minute pilot for Final Space that was funded by New Form and released as part of their Incubator 3 Series in April.

“Olan pitched us Final Space voicing all the characters and dancing around the conference room,” said Thom Hinkle, the senior VP of original programming for TBS. “It was kind of like a comedic Moon—genuinely funny and oddly heartfelt. We bought it in the room. So did other networks. We’re glad he chose us. XO.”