MIPCOM Spotlight: Autentic Distribution


Autentic Distribution’s catalog features GRIP, a car magazine show.

“Male-oriented factual entertainment is sought by many of our clients,” says Mirjam Strasser, head of sales and acquisitions, noting that GRIP fits the bill.

Berlin 1933—Diary of Metropolis, a follow-up to Berlin 1945, tells the story of how Berlin, a hub of modernity, became Germany’s capital city in step with the Third Reich.

Mapping Disasters, meanwhile, seeks to find out what can be learned in the aftermath of Earth’s most catastrophic forces. “Using archive, CGI, modern analytics and experts, we track the time, direction and trajectory of some of the world’s biggest catastrophes,” Strasser says. “What can be uncovered post impact? What do we need to know between the inciting event and the ripple effects to curtail the swell and save lives?”

Strasser adds, “We see ourselves as the home for authentic stories.”