TVFI Attends ATF with 20 Member Companies

November 27: TV France International is participating at the Asia TV Forum this
week for the seventh time, hosting 20 companies.

Attending producers and distributors are looking to
further build on the number of French exports to the region, which accounted
for 8 percent of international sales in 2006. Asia-Pacific business for France
is dominated by Australia and New Zealand and Japan, and growth has been
recorded in sales to Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan.
Co-productions are also on the agenda; co-production and pre-sales to the
region tripled between 2005 and 2006 to 12 million euros. The first
French/Asian drama co-production began filming in 2007: Deja Vu,
a 26×26-minute kids' series for France 2 is co-produced by Project Images in
France and Mega Media in Singapore.

French companies in attendance at the market this
week include Carrere Group, Alphanim, Millimages, France Télévisions
Distribution, Marathon, Taffy Entertainment and Xilam.

—By Mansha Daswani