Culture Secretary Renews Broadcast Licenses of Channel 3, 5

LONDON: The U.K.’s Culture Secretary has renewed the licenses of Channel 3 and Channel 5 for another ten years, the latter of which has made a commitment to expand its amount of homegrown children’s content.

At the request of the Culture Secretary, Northern & Shell has pledged that Channel 5 will broadcast at least 600 hours of U.K.-originated children’s programs a year. This would comprise at least half of the kids’ shows on the channel. The Culture Secretary also agreed that Ofcom should progress the potential separation of the Wales and West Channel 3 license region. The Channel 3 licenses are currently held by ITV in England, Wales and The Channel Islands, STV in Scotland and UTV in Northern Ireland.

Ofcom will now begin discussions with the holders on the cost and terms. Culture Secretary Maria Miller has some issues she is asking Ofcom to look at as it negotiates the licenses. One of which is the need to work with the license holders to maintain, or even increase, the current level of public-service requirements, including the amount of news or original content. Also, under proposals advanced by ITV, viewers in the south of Scotland would not receive the same level of programming about Scotland as those in the northern and central parts of the country. Miller said she wants to see a way forward that addresses the concerns of viewers in the border region.

“Renewing the licenses for Channel 3 and 5 will enable us to secure a strong and diverse future for public service broadcasting,” said Miller. “The U.K. is in a global race, and the TV programs produced for 3 and 5 are exported around the world. Renewing the licenses will ensure the holders can continue to invest in original U.K. content.”