Portugal’s Porto Canal Sets Chinese Programming Block

China International Television Corporation (CITVC) is launching a China Hour programming slot on Porto Canal in Portugal thanks to a one-year agreement.

The weekly block will air in prime time on Wednesdays with two repeat broadcasts on Thursday and Saturday. China Hour on Porto Canal will begin broadcasting on September 18. It will feature documentaries, series and more. The first round of programs will include the hit CCTV series Ode to Joy and documentaries such as Inside China’s Biggest Gala.

Jianing Shen, the executive VP of CITVC and general manager of China Radio, Film & Television Programs Exchanging Center (CHNPEC), said, “We are extremely pleased to partner with prestigious Portuguese broadcaster Porto Canal to share our wonderful Chinese series and documentaries with a new audience. Portuguese viewers are sophisticated and open to viewing other cultures’ programming and we believe they will embrace our country’s finest programs.”

For Porto Canal, the broadcaster’s president, Júlio Magalhães, signed the one-year agreement.