International Academy Names André Sampaio as Ambassador to Portugal

The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences has appointed André Sampaio, the marketing and media director at the Portuguese multinational group Sonae, as ambassador to Portugal.

Ambassadors are active members who volunteer on behalf of the Academy as representatives in their respective countries to raise the profile of the Academy globally, encourage local producers and broadcasters to submit entries to the International Emmy Awards competition and seek new members. Sampaio joins a group of six fellow ambassadors that includes Gai Dunlop, the CEO of Festcom International (Australia); Sebastian Darcyl, the president of Darcyl Media (Argentina); Leopold Hoesch, the managing director of BROADVIEW TV (Germany); Roberta Durrant, the CEO of Penguin Films (South Africa); Steven Bawol, the managing director of Helion Pictures (U.K.); and Brian Seth Hurst, managing partner and co-founder of Story Tech (Global Digital Ambassador).

“As a Semi-Final Judging Host, André has already significantly raised the profile of the Academy in Portugal and we look forward to having him further continue his outreach as our Ambassador,” said Bruce L. Paisner, the president and CEO of the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.