European Parliament Votes to ‘Safeguard Audiovisual Sector’

GENEVA: Offering up its input on the U.S.-EU free-trade agreement negotiations, the European Union Parliament today passed a resolution seeking the exclusion of audiovisual services from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

The MEPs overwhelming backed the start of negotiations for the proposed free-trade agreement, but asked that cultural and audiovisual services, including online ones, be exempt from any deal "in order to protect the cultural and linguistic diversity of EU countries." The resolution passed with 381 in favor, with 191 opposed and 19 abstentions.

The European Broadcasting Union welcomed the move. “The European Parliament has made a bold call to maintain a strong and diverse audiovisual sector in Europe," said Ingrid Deltenre, director general of the EBU. "It demonstrates that the institution representing the interests of Europeans is committed to supporting and preserving Europe’s multicultural identity.”

Earlier this week, the EBU called on the European Union to exclude audiovisual services from negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, arguing that full free trade for the sector would have "serious, adverse effects".

EU Member States will have final say on the matter in mid-June.