Shot in Southeast Asia, Almost Paradise is an Electric Entertainment offering that follows a retired DEA agent living at a tropical resort who can’t help but seek out chaos, despite his doctor’s orders to relax.
He’s recruited by the local police chief and partnered up to help put a dangerous drug lord behind bars. The fantasy/adventure series The Outpost, another Electric selection, features the lone survivor of a race called Blackbloods who travels to a fortress on the edge of the civilized world as she tracks her family’s killers. Jigsaw trails the quest for clues to find puzzle pieces that ultimately reveal the location of a hefty inheritance; the first one to solve the puzzle gets everything.
“Buyers and viewers alike would want to tune in every week, or binge-watch the entire season because our series all take place in imaginative locations,” says Sonia Mehandjiyska, head of international distribution at Electric Entertainment. “Our TV lineup is showing audiences places and settings they rarely, if ever, see.”