The Fremantle Corp. Receives New Investments


TORONTO: Kilburn Media and Demarest Films have made equity investments in The Fremantle Corporation, which has now tapped veteran Canadian media exec Brad Pelman for the CEO post.

Pelman was formerly an executive at Maple Pictures and Alliance Films. Randy Zalken will continue as president and The Fremantle Corporation’s existing team will pursue its business plan with a focus on new content partners, expanding the distribution of the current library to new platforms and broadcasting clients, and growing The Fremantle Corporation as a content distributor and conduit to financing opportunities for its producer partners.

Terms of the transaction were not disclosed, but Demarest and Kilburn expect to fund further content development as part of the deal.

The Fremantle Corp. slate includes the daytime drama All My Children, the annual Tony Awards and the family series Black Beauty.

“I am excited by the continuity and new growth opportunities that this equity investment provides. With the introduction of Brad Pelman to the management team as CEO, The Fremantle Corporation’s potential will be realized,” said Zalken.

“This transaction adds yet one more high-quality business to our growing platform of entertainment companies and ventures. It fits very well into our strategic plan for cost-effective expansion, allowing us to deploy more of our investment capital in building growth through operations,” said Sam Englebardt, co-founder of Demarest, and Mark Manuel, founder of Kilburn.

“We have all the confidence in the world that this venture will prove highly successful for all parties involved,” added William D. Johnson, co-founder of Demarest, and Ted O’Neal, who is part of Kilburn.

Pelman remarked, “Zalken, Kilburn and Demarest have entrusted me to lead The Fremantle Corporation. I am excited to join a vibrant distribution company with so much opportunity in its future. Zalken and his team have built a strong foundation and with their commitment and focus, we will become one of the leading independent distribution companies in the world.”