NATPE Spotlight: CJ E&M


MIAMI: The outdoor reality format Words Wars, on offer from CJ E&M at NATPE, challenges its participants to create an entirely new language.

“An unprecedented reality experiment about overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers, it will have definite appeal to our global buyers seeking a unique and extraordinary format,” says Jangho Seo, the general manager of the global content business division at CJ E&M.

The company is also presenting Sweetheart in Your Ear, a dating reality show. “There are many dating formats that already exist but this is a modern, 21st-century dating show done over the phone,” Seo notes.

There is also the crime-investigation series Squad 38 being promoted for buyers. The show sees government officials team up with a con man to help hunt down high-scale tax criminals. Seo says the “comical and action-packed story line” will grab audiences’ attention.

“Our aim is to expand into the LatAm market with our strong scripted and non-scripted catalog,” adds Seo.