Eccho Rights Signs Asian Deals

STOCKHOLM: Eccho Rights, the new distribution outfit of Sparks Network and Eccholine, has secured three deals for formats and finished shows across Asia.

In Vietnam, HTV went for another 26 episodes of Clueless. Original from Poland, the format has also sold to Greece, Spain, the Czech Republic and the Middle East. TKL is producing the local version in Vietnam.

Also in Vietnam, Thaole Entertainment scooped up the Turkish drama The End. The show is from the same team behind Ezel, which Thaole previously purchased and launched in May on K Plus.

Bucket List is in pre-production by Homegrown in Malaysia. The show is from Swedish producer OTW.

Gary Pudney, the head of Asia at Eccho Rights, said, "The Asian television market continues to open up to new and engaging shows for us. These three deals are for very different programs from European producers, we believe that they can all go on and secure further sales in the region too, especially the dramas."