CASBAA Adds New Members

HONG KONG: A number of additions have been made to the CASBAA membership roster, including Brightcove and Kantar Media Audiences.

China-based SMiT (Shenzhen State Micro Technology) has joined the CASBAA Council of Governors. The company provides software and devices for the delivery of digital content.

New corporate members for CASBAA include Brightcove, which provides digital media and cloud-content services; Elemental Technologies, a provider of video-processing solutions; and satellite operator Inmarsat. Also joining are the audience-measurement outfit Kantar Media Audiences; the Singapore-based technology, media and telecoms company Olswang Asia; and Viettel Television Center, which is a division of one of Vietnam’s fastest growing telecom companies.

“CASBAA and its members truly represent the way ahead for multichannel TV not only in Asia but, increasingly, around the world and address the entire value chain for our industry,” said Simon Twiston Davies, the CEO of CASBAA.

He continued: “As technology and value-added service provision move the multichannel TV and communications industries to identify new areas of growth, platforms, content providers, content distributors and technology enablers of all stripes see the value of working with their peers and governments to meet the latest consumer expectations.”