The World Screen MIPTV Preview provides you with a number of useful services in one location, including insightful features, in-depth interviews, a restaurant and hotel directory for Cannes and more.
The Preview includes Q&As with RTL Group’s Bert Habets, WarnerMedia’s Gerhard Zeiler, Viacom’s David Lynn, ZDF’s Thomas Bellut, Sky’s Gary Davey and ProSiebenSat.1’s Max Conze, plus Tom Selleck and Iain Armitage. There are features on the seismic shifts in the distribution business, what European buyers are looking for, the appetite for science documentaries and OTT demands for kids’ programming. Other useful resources found within the Preview include a note from our editor, and links to our Screening Rooms and our digital editions for MIPTV, including the World Screen Guide and TV Formats Guide. Be sure to take a look before heading off to Cannes.