NBC Nightly News & Meet the Press to Air on CNBC in EMEA


LONDON: The business and financial news channel CNBC will exclusively air NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams and Meet the Press across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, starting July 12.

NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams provides reports and analysis on U.S. and international events. Meet the Press features analysis, discussions and reviews of the week’s political events from top journalists and newsmakers.

“We’re delighted to have these two top-rated programs back on the air exclusively in the region,” said Barbara Stelzner, the VP of news and programming for EMEA at CNBC. “They are popular shows with our international audience base and work extremely well within our schedule of business and current affairs programming.”

“NBC News is always looking to extend its reach, and making America’s number one evening newscast and public affairs shows available for the international audience is vital to that mission,” added Steve Capus, the president of NBC News.