MIPTV Announces Keynote Speaker Lineup

PARIS, February 2: Marketing expert Joseph Jaffe and Philip
Rosedale, the founder of Linden Lab—the company behind the 3-D online
society Second Life—have joined RTL Group CEO Gerhard Zeiler in the
lineup of keynote speakers for MIPTV featuring MILIA, taking place April 16 to
20 in Cannes.

Jaffe is the president and “Chief Interrupter” of the
marketing firm Crayon and author of Life After the 30-Second Spot. He will look at how advertising is evolving in the
anytime, anywhere media landscape in his speech, “Energize Your Brand: The New
Marketing Renaissance.”

Rosedale is the founder and CEO of Linden Lab, the creator
of the 3-D online digital world Second Life. He will open the “Future of Media”
day on April 19 by discussing the next generation of media and how to engage
audiences and brands in a virtual world.

Zeiler, CEO of the RTL Group, will give his
"Traditional Media Fights Back" keynote speech on April 16.

MIPTV featuring MILIA's 2007 conference program is entitled
"Capture Innovation." It will focus on five key themes:
Trends-in-Television, Explosion of Mobile Media, Branding & Marketing 2.0,
On-Demand Television and Digital Distribution and Content 360 & The Future
of Media.