BBC Brings Select Programs to iTunes in France

LONDON, November 4: A
selection of programming from BBC Worldwide, including the hit comedy series Extras, is now available for purchase
and download from the iTunes Store in France.

Starting today, titles
such as The Lost World, Pride and Prejudice, The Planets and seasons one and two of Torchwood are available as either single
episodes or complete seasons. iTunes in France will
feature programming from the BBC's Natural History Unit as well. BBC Worldwide
will make the majority of the content available in both French and English.

Tim Muff, the
managing director of BBC Worldwide France, said: "iTunes customers in
France can now enjoy a range of BBC programming, from drama through comedy to
factual and natural history. This move reflects the changing nature of
broadcasting and viewers’ expectations, with consumers wanting to watch their
favorite programs on their own terms."

—By Kristin