ATF Spotlight: ABC Commercial

SINGAPORE: ABC Commercial is presenting to ATF buyers the three-part series The Wonder of Marsupials, which explores how this group of mammals has evolved to deal with the unique and difficult challenges of life in Australia.

“This visual feast of stunning Australian landscapes, amazing animal behaviors and fascinating marsupial facts make this a not-to-be-missed documentary series,” says Robyn Campbell, senior sales manager for Asia, Australia and New Zealand at ABC Commercial.

Another animal-based highlight for the company is Top Jobs for Dogs, which looks at what types of tasks canines are capable of carrying out.

There are also scripted shows on the slate, including Newton’s Law. The series “combines accessible drama with a great mix of romance and comedy, featuring a strong female lead and recognizable ensemble cast,” says Campbell.

She adds: “We represent Australia’s most talented producers who create best-in-class content that resonates with international audiences.”