ABC Shows Top Online Viewing Figures

BURBANK: ABC’s online video player was home to nine out of the top ten series viewed on U.S. broadcasters’ websites in February 2009, according to Nielsen VideoCensus data, led by Lost with 2.5 million unique viewers in the month, up 41-percent on January.

Other shows that posted strong online viewing figures were Dancing with the Stars (1.5 million unique viewers), Grey’s Anatomy (1.3 million unique viewers), The Bachelor (962,000 unique viewers), Brothers & Sisters (801,000 unique viewers), Desperate Housewives (793,000 unique viewers ) and Scrubs (655,000 unique viewers). ABC shows that rounded out the top ten were Extreme Makeover: Home Edition with 619,000 unique viewers and Private Practice with 493,000 unique viewers.

Lost also ranked first in total streams with 48 million, up 20 percent over January.