Fox Reality, Target in Distribution Partnership

LOS ANGELES, August 20: Fox Reality Channel has named Target
Entertainment as it distribution partner for the celebrity competition series Gimme
My Reality Show!
to license the show’s
format and finished episodes worldwide.

Premiering October 11, Gimme My Reality Show! features seven celebrities as they try to win their own
reality series on Fox Reality Channel. One by one the celebrities will be
eliminated, and when only three contestants remain, a winner will be determined
by viewer vote.

Gimme My Reality Show! is not only a fun and thoroughly entertaining series
but it’s an innovative and original concept,” said Bob Boden, Fox Reality
Channel’s senior VP of programming. “It is in fact the ultimate focus group
which takes place via the format of the show itself. There isn’t any other
series out there which asks viewers to choose their own star of a reality
series. And whoever wins will really have earned their 16th minute of fame.”

“We are thrilled to be the international distribution
partner on Gimme My Reality Show!,” said
Glen Hansen, Target Entertainment’s senior VP of sales and acquisitions for the
U.S. (West Coast). “Due to its highly original and very fun concept, we expect
strong interest and sales in both the finished show and the format.”

—By Kristin Brzoznowski