Writers Guild Members Vote to Strike

LOS ANGELES, October 22: Members of the Writers Guild of
America, West (WGAW) and the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) have voted
to go on strike if an agreement cannot be reached with the Alliance of Motion
Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) on the terms of a new contract.

Earlier this month, the leaders of both guilds wrote to
members authorizing a strike “at the most advantageous moment” after the
current contract expires on October 31.

Members of the two guilds cast 5,507 votes with 90.3 percent
voting for the strike. This vote represents the highest turnout in guild
history, surpassing the previous record of 4,128 votes cast in the 2001 MBA
contract ratification.

"I am both impressed and gratified by this vote,”
stated WGAW’s president, Patric M. Verrone. “It shows an overwhelmingly engaged
and activated community of writers who care about this negotiation and support
our goals. It is now up to the AMPTP companies to begin to bargain seriously
concerning the issues important to our members. Writers do not want to strike,
but they are resolute and prepared to take strong, united action to defend our
interests. What we must have is a contract that gives us the ability to keep up
with the financial success of this ever-expanding global industry."

WGAE’s president, Michael Winship, added: "We're
gratified by the massive show of solidarity our members have given our
negotiating team by voting in such overwhelming numbers for a strike
authorization. Our negotiators can now begin the next round of bargaining
strengthened by the knowledge that their hard work and commitment to a fair,
meaningful contract—no matter what it takes—are so fully recognized
and supported by television and screen writers across the country. This
historic vote sends an unequivocal message to the AMPTP, loud and clear. We
will not be taken advantage of and we will not be fooled."

Talks are scheduled to resume today at the WGAW headquarters
in Los Angeles. Among the issues at the heart of the contract negotiations are
compensation and residuals for new media, contract enforcement, guild
jurisdiction and a proposed increase in the DVD formula.

—By Mansha Daswani