World Screen Revamps MediaMinute, TeleMinuto

NEW YORK: World Screen this week launches its revamped English- and Spanish-language video news services, MediaMinute and TeleMinuto, now offering up insightful commentary and analysis from our expert editors. To view this week’s MediaMinute, please click here

The English-language MediaMinute, accessible via the World Screen Weekly newsletter, will be hosted by Anna Carugati, the group editorial director of World Screen. Every Thursday, Carugati will offer up her analysis of the biggest stories in international media.

The Spanish-language TeleMinuto, which will be released every Friday with TV Latina Semanal, will be anchored by Elizabeth Bowen-Tombari. Each week, she will explore the implications of the latest developments in the Latin American, U.S. Hispanic and Iberian markets.

These weekly videos will be housed on the home pages of our market-leading websites, and