Virgin Media Slapped with Gemstar Suit

LOS ANGELES/LONDON, January 24: EPG-provider Gemstar-TV
Guide International has filed suit against British cable platform Virgin Media,
alleging patent infringement.

Gemstar and its subsidiaries, StarSight Telecast and United
Video Properties, have initiated patent litigation proceedings against Virgin
Media in the English High Court. Gemstar alleges that the platform infringed
three of its European patents, including techniques for providing certain
interactive program guides (IPGs), and for handling recordings from IPGs.

Gemstar-TV Guide and its related companies have extensive
patent portfolios directed to IPGs, including over 200 issued patents and
pending applications covering the U.K.

“We have worked diligently to license Virgin Media for their
distribution of various set-top boxes that contain IPGs covered by our patents,
but negotiations did not lead to a resolution,” said Samir Armaly, the
executive VP of intellectual property and licensing at Gemstar-TV Guide. “The
substantial value of our European patent portfolio has been recognized by
leading service providers as well as leading consumer electronics manufacturers
in the U.K. and throughout Europe. While we would have preferred to reach a
commercial solution with Virgin Media, we ultimately have a responsibility to
our shareholders, licensees, and other stakeholders to protect the value of our
intellectual property.”

—By Mansha Daswani