Union Suspends ABC Talks

union, which represents some 2,500 technicians, camera operators, news writers
and other employees at ABC, has suspended its talks with the broadcaster over
concerns about job security and pension plans.

National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA and ABC
management had been meeting for three weeks to bargain a new contract covering
the employees. The current four-year contract expires March 31, 2007.

union bargaining committee's review of ABC's proposals found nothing but
company attacks on the seniority system, attacks on the pension plan, despite
the plan being financially healthy, attacks on jurisdiction of work and attacks
on a multitude of other work rules and conditions," NABET-CWA President
John Clark said. "These attacks come on top of ABC's apparent refusal to
consider new training and job opportunities for workers as the industry's
technology rapidly evolves."

sticking point is ABC’s desire to freeze the NABET-CWA members' pension plan.
The union estimates that doing so would reduce the average participant's
retirement benefit by nearly 25 percent. "The pension proposal will pull
the rug out from underneath people who are depending on it for their retirement
security after a lifetime of service to ABC," Clark said. "It is

the next few days, members of the union bargaining team and local union leaders
will be communicating with members and holding meetings to discuss the
situation and determine what steps the union will take next.