Twentieth Century Fox Names New-Media Licensing Senior VP

Hollywood, September 30:
Twentieth Century Fox has appointed Gary Rosenfeld as the senior VP of
new-media licensing, responsible for overseeing its portfolio of video-game
projects based on its properties.

Additionally, Rosenfeld
will manage Twentieth Century Fox Licensing Merchandising’s games development
staff. He will be tasked with exploring opportunities in the growing online
game space and investigating new business models and partnerships in the
console publishing area.

Prior to joining Fox,
Rosenfeld served as the senior VP of business development at THQ, where he
managed the worldwide activity for product acquisitions and licensing.

Elie Dekel, the executive
VP of licensing and merchandising for Fox, said: “Gary has a phenomenal
background in new-media and video-game licensing and will bring a wealth of
knowledge and insight to our team. We're looking forward to his leading our
group into brave new territory as we expand our video-game business.”

—By Jackie Stewart