Survey: NCIS Ranks as America’s Favorite Current TV Show


NEW YORK: According to the results of a new Harris Poll, NCIS is U.S. viewers' favorite current TV show, followed by The Big Bang Theory.

The Walking Dead ranks third in the survey, conducted online with 2,232 U.S. adults between January 14 and 20. Scandal was number four, followed by Game of Thrones capping off the top five. The Good Wife and The Blacklist tie in the number six spot. Modern Family comes in at number eight, ahead of Blue Bloods and Criminal Minds.

NCIS is also the top pick across gender lines. For men, the number two and three picks are The Walking Dead and The Big Bang Theory, respectively, while among women these spots are held by The Big Bang Theory and Scandal.

Generation-wise, Baby Boomers (50-68) and Matures (69+) both identify NCIS as their favorite current TV show. Baby Boomers' top three is rounded out by The Big Bang Theory and The Blacklist, while Blue Bloods and The Good Wife complete Matures' top three. Among both Millennials (18-37) and Gen Xers (38-49), The Walking Dead is the top pick, with The Big Bang Theory and NCIS holding the number two and three spots, respectively.