Nielsen: Live Viewing Still Dominant


NEW YORK: According to Nielsen’s latest cross-platform report, most TV is still viewed live and DVR viewing beyond seven days is extremely rare.

The Q3 report finds that live TV accounted for 87.2 percent of broadcast viewing. The live same-day numbers account for 5.5 percent. Viewing within seven days for broadcast is 6.1 percent. Beyond seven days it is only 1.1 percent. For cable, live accounts for 93.3 percent, followed by live same day with 3.4 percent, within seven days is 2.8 percent and beyond seven days is 0.6 percent. For syndication, live viewing accounts for 94.4 percent, then live same day at 3.4 percent. Within seven days is 1.9 percent, then beyond seven days is 0.3 percent.

Americans spent more than 34 hours per week in front of a TV set. They watched an average of an hour and 18 more television this quarter than the prior quarter.