Friday, May 3, 2024

Tag: Dandelooo

Spotlight: Dandelooo

September 30, 2020

Targeted for 7- to 12-year-olds, Royals Next Door is a 2D animated series on offer from Dandelooo about a princess and her family who move to the suburbs.

MIFA/Annecy Spotlight: Dandelooo

June 18, 2020

Emmanuèle Pétry, co-founder of Dandelooo, highlights the animated titles that the French producer and distributor will be presenting during MIFA/Annecy and talks about its main goals for the virtual event.

TV Kids In-Demand: Comedy

June 9, 2020

As part of our new TV Kids In-Demand reports, we're highlighting hot properties in comedy: Dandelooo's Stinky Dog, Superights' Pat the Dog, Mediatoon Distribution's Sardine in Outer Space and Serious Lunch's Gigglebug.

Dandelooo’s Emmanuèle Pétry Sirvin

February 14, 2020

Emmanuèle Pétry Sirvin, producer and partner at Dandelooo, shares that the company only has the capacity to take on projects that its team truly loves and believes in—and why that’s the way they like it.

MIPJunior Spotlight: Dandelooo

October 8, 2019

Stinky Dog, based on the Colas Gutman book collection illustrated by Marc Boutavant, is a slapstick series from Dandelooo’s catalog that features the smelly pup and his best friend Flatty Cat.