Studio 100’s Giants of La Mancha Finds Film Festival Success


Studio 100 International’s action-adventure feature film Giants of La Mancha has received a slew of awards and nominations across multiple international film festivals.

The movie, directed by Gonzalo Gutierrez and written by Carlos Kotkin (Rio 2), follows the 11-year-old heir to Don Quixote. It won a Golden Eagle Statuette for best animated film for audiences 12 years old and younger at the Children’s Cinema Awards in Amsterdam, as well as the best animation (long feature) prize at the Vancouver International Movie Awards.

It was also nominated for awards at five other festivals: the Tumbleweeds Film Festival for Kids in Salt Lake City; the Beijing International Children’s Film Festival in Beijing; the Septimius Awards in Amsterdam; the World Festival of Animated Film in Vama, Bulgaria; and the Hispanic International Film Festival in Delaware.

Giants of La Mancha is a German-Argentinean co-production from Studio 100 International (Germany), GF Films (Argentina) and M.A.R.K.13—COM (Germany). Studio 100 Film is managing global sales.