Breakthrough Entertainment Sells Titles Across Europe

TORONTO: Breakthrough Entertainment has closed a slew of deals with European broadcasters, among them HBO Europe, Yle Teema and TV4.

HBO Europe picked up the Turkish film A Handful of Sea, while Chello Central Europe signed a multi-series agreement that includes David Rocco’s Dolce India, Raw Opium, Return to Nepal, Shameless Idealists, The Future Revealed and The Pagan Christ. Also in Central Europe, the Czech Republic’s Česká televize got Greatest Tank Battles Season 3, Battlefield Mysteries and Edge of War. Three broadcasters in Poland bought a range of titles: Domo+ went for The Agents, onet took H2 Hilarious and Plastic Makes Perfect, and TVN licensed Naked News: Uncovered. Denmark’s TV2 also nabbed Naked News: Uncovered.

The company also found buyers across Western Europe. Discovery Communications Europe took Greatest Tank Battles Season 3, while both Yle Teema in Finland and Belgium’s VRT picked up The Motherload. The Italian RAI has Rocket Monkeys, The Future Revealed and Operation Unplugged. The Pagan Christ went to Ireland’s RTÉ, and Dino Dan: Treck’s Adventures Seasons 3 and 4 went to Norway’s NRK and British network UKTV. Finally, two Swedish channels also signed deals with Breakthrough, giving The Adventures of Napkin Man to SVT and Boundless to TV4.

Over in Russia, 2×2 has Rocket Monkeys while Red Media went for American Food Battle and Opening Bestellen. Rounding out the list is Ukraine with DirectSight/Inter taking Greatest Tank Battles.

“We’re excited that our diverse library is appealing across Europe,” said Nat Abraham, the president of distribution for Breakthrough Entertainment. “We are focused on continuing our associations with broadcasters and building new relationships throughout the remainder of the year.”