MIPCOM Spotlight: Russia Television and Radio/Sovtelexport


This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, and Sovtelexport, which distributes programming from Russia Television and Radio, believes this should drum up interest for Demon of the Revolution and The Revolution.

Demon of the Revolution is a unique drama series that changes our views of who really was behind the biggest political cataclysm in Russian history,” says Julia Matiash, the director of Sovtelexport.

The Revolution, meanwhile, is a documentary that attempts to show an alternative view of the events of October 1917, known as the October Revolution, in Russia. “It dives into the century-old memories to determine what we can learn from those dramatic days,” says Matiash. Sovtelexport is also presenting Anna Karenina, a modern adaptation of the literary classic.

“Our mission has always been to expand the international distribution of the best Russian programming, and we intend to continue on this path,” Matiash adds.